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ASSRC promotes scholarly research on Africa and works to foster cooperation between Turkey and African researchers, students and artists. In its development from initial conception to project planning, the Center seeks the active participation and cooperation of both African and Turkish scholars in order to identify and meet the needs of both communities. ASSRC specifically aims to:
· Encourage collaborative research between Turkish and African researchers, universities, and relevant institutions through a program of research fellowships and the organization of colloquia, seminars, and workshops on topics of both general and scholarly interest.
· Make available to Turkish and visiting researchers a research library, computer facilities, and a computer network capable of sustaining significant research efforts by providing up-to-date data and information on Africa and the Diaspora.
· Provide a forum in which both local and foreign researchers may conduct and share their work, and create a transnational community of scholars and researchers.
· Promote interdisciplinary approaches and considerations of gender in the study of Africa and the African Diaspora.
· Gather, catalogue, and disseminate the results of research on Africa 
Its stated objectives are to:
· Provide Turkish and African scholars access to research resources and expand research opportunities
· Create a point of contact for Turkish and African researchers allowing the intersection of their respective research traditions
· Supplement documentation resources
· Award fellowships to Turkish and African scholars
· Encourage interest in international affairs and careers among Turkish graduate students
· Disseminate information on Africa-related research issues and periodically organize meaningful and landmark seminars, symposia and conferences where experts and researchers and creative artists and thinkers from different horizons and backgrounds can meet and fruitfully exchange ideas, preoccupations, research results and stimulating thinking .
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